The content of the Readme.txt file has been updated. For example the previous theme called "XP - Cursor 3D-Bronze HD" will now appear as "XP 3D-Bronze HD", however the filenames remain the same as before, so if you already had the old ones, it will be enough to replace them with the new ones. Fixed the internal names of the themes to make them consistent with new ones, and make them appear correctly in the Windows 10 Settings app. Added 4 themes to load the new combinations of pointers, they are those ending with the word "Alternative" and "Altern.". Updated existing themes to load XPHand_HD and XPHand_SHD cursors. FastStone Capture saves images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF, WEBP. Added XPHand_HD and XPHand_SHD pointers for "Link Select". Added White and Bronze 3D style pointers for "Precision Select", "Handwriting", "Alternate Select" and "Link Select". You can find a more detailed description in the Readme file contained in the Zip file. We got runescape, world of warcraft, pokemon, naruto, twilight, cute, animated, cool, glitter, sexy, and so much more cursors. I made these pointers for Windows 10 that are based on Windows XP's 3D Bronze and 3D White pointers (actually the 3D White pointers were already present in Windows 98, but I don't remember if they were in Win95 as well).